(Originally written for a Fall 2019 event of the Network of Professionals in Water and the Environment)
Nowadays, especially as Californians, people are aware that disruption, shortages, or even catastrophe can come to their front door. The prospect of wildfires has grown in recent years, but besides that there are power outages, economic recessions, crime, and a number of other problems which could keep us awake at night.
Luckily, there are many ways for us to be more prepared in general to weather the storms of life. See below for some of the books which can help you secure your lifestyle, living space and loved ones against unexpected events of any variety – while also reducing your ecological impact.
Early Retirement Extreme
by Jacob Lund Fisker
This book is less of a financial manual and more of a systems-based approach to understanding wealth.
Fisker guides the reader through the concepts of economic degrees of freedom and human capital, both of which have high application to personal preparedness.
From the ERE wiki:
“Putting ERE principles into practice yields a lifestyle that meets all needs while minimizing ongoing inputs of money, natural resources, friction, and effort.”
Green Wizardry
by John Michael Greer
This book is dedicated to unpacking the energy economics and ecology fundamentals of modern American lifestyles, while also offering a useful guide to home garden/food and energy conservation methods.
Greer’s provocative take on modern industrial civilization is offset by a pedagogic approach that empowers the reader to adopt tried & true methods that’ll work in low-tech, low-resource situations.
Copious references & exercises are provided to enhance lesson entrenchment.
The Modern Survival Manual
by Fernando Aguirre
Excuse the ostentatious cover and occasional editing error – the Modern Survival Manual describes vital skills, mindsets, and lessons for those living in unstable or dangerous times.
The author uses his own lessons from living through an economic collapse to guide the reader through mindset, cooking, social, self-defense, financial and career choices that will serve them well in times of severe unrest or disruption.
Aguirre has compiled a useful list of “bug out bag” or emergency supplies here: https://amzn.to/2m0mtS4